Educational Sciences Modules
These are the modules offered in this school in the 2024–25 academic year. You can also view the module lists for the years: 2025–26.
Level 1 Modules
- XAC-1026: Sgiliau ar gyfer Dysgu a Gwait (20)
- XAC-1027: Hawliau Plant - Safbwyntiau ac (20)
- XAC-1033: Tyfu (20)
- XAC-1035: Plant a Chymdeithas (20)
- XAC-1070: Llythrennedd am Oes (20)
- XAE-1026: Skills for Learning & Work (20)
- XAE-1027: Children's Rights:Pers&Pract (20)
- XAE-1033: Growing Up (20)
- XAE-1035: Children and Society (20)
- XAE-1036: Intro to Childhood Research (20)
- XAE-1070: Literacy for Life (20)
- XCB-1213: Subject Studies 1.1 (20)
- XCC-1210: Profiad Ysgol 1 (20)
- XCC-1211: Astud. Proff. a Phedagogaidd (20)
- XCC-1212: Astudiaethau Craidd 1 (20)
- XCC-1213: Astudiaethau Pwnc 1.1 (20)
- XCC-1214: Astudiaethau Pwnc 1.2 (20)
- XCC-1215: Astudiaethau Pwnc 1.3 (20)
- XCE-1210: School Experience 1 (20)
- XCE-1211: Professional and Pedagogical 1 (20)
- XCE-1212: Core Studies 1 (20)
- XCE-1214: Subject Studies 1.2 (20)
- XCE-1215: Subject Studies 1.3 (20)
Level 2 Modules
- XAC-2030: Cynhwysiant ac Anghenion Dysgu (20)
- XAC-2033: Ymchwilio mewn Plentyndod (20)
- XAC-2034: Datblygu Ymarfer Effeithiol (20)
- XAC-2040: Seicopatholeg Ymhlith Plant (20)
- XAC-2041: Llencyndod (20)
- XAC-2070: Rhianta (20)
- XAC-2073: Blasu byd yr athro ysgol (20)
- XAE-2030: Inclusion & Learning Needs (20)
- XAE-2033: Researching Childhood (20)
- XAE-2034: Developing Effective Practice (20)
- XAE-2040: Psychopathology in Children (20)
- XAE-2041: Adolescence (20)
- XAE-2070: Parenthood (20)
- XCB-2213: Subject Studies 2.1 (20)
- XCC-2210: Profiad Ysgol 2 (20)
- XCC-2211: Astud. Proff. a Phedagogaidd 2 (20)
- XCC-2212: Astudiaethau Craidd 2 (20)
- XCC-2213: Astudiaethau Pwnc 2.1 (20)
- XCC-2214: Astudiaethau Pwnc 2.2 (20)
- XCC-2215: Astudiaethau Pwnc 2.3 (20)
- XCC-2910: Astudiaeth Unigol 2 (20)
- XCE-2210: School Experience 2 (20)
- XCE-2211: Professional and Pedagogical 2 (20)
- XCE-2212: Core Studies 2 (20)
- XCE-2214: Subject Studies 2.2 (20)
- XCE-2215: Subject Studies 2.3 (20)
- XCE-2910: Individual Study 2 (20)
Level 3 Modules
- XAC-3008: Gweithio gyda theuluo. bregus (20)
- XAC-3009: Amlieithrwydd mewn Plentyndod (20)
- XAC-3023: Traethawd Hir (40)
- XAC-3036: Hunaniaethau mewn Plentyndod (20)
- XAC-3037: Plant a Cham-drin Sylweddau (20)
- XAC-3038: Plant ag Anawsterau Cyfathrebu (20)
- XAE-3008: Working with Vulnerable Famili (20)
- XAE-3009: Multilingual Childhood (20)
- XAE-3023: Dissertation (40)
- XAE-3036: Identities in Childhood (20)
- XAE-3037: Substance Abuse in Families (20)
- XAE-3038: Children w. Com. Difficulties (20)
- XCB-3213: Subject Studies 3 (40)
- XCC-3060: Cymraeg mewn Blwyddyn I (40)
- XCC-3061: Cymraeg mewn Blwyddyn II (40)
- XCC-3063: Cymraeg mewn Blwyddyn III (40)
- XCC-3210: Profiad Ysgol 3 (20)
- XCC-3211: Astud Proff Pedagog a Chraidd3 (20)
- XCC-3212: Traethawd Hir (40)
- XCC-3213: Astudiaethau Pwnc 3 (40)
- XCE-3210: School Experience 3 (20)
- XCE-3211: Prof, Ped and Core 3 (20)
- XCE-3212: Dissertation (40)
- XPC-3100: Cymraeg i Ymarferwyr Addysg (60)
- XPC-3220: Profiad Ysgol Uwchradd (60)
- XPE-3220: Secondary School Experience (60)
- XTC-3210: Profiad Ysgol Cynradd (60)
- XTE-3210: Primary School Experience (60)
- XTE-3310: ALN School Experience (60)
Level 4 Modules
- PLP-4043: PhilosUnderp&BehAnalysisAsASci (20)
- PLP-4045: Behaviour Change Procedures (20)
- PLP-4051: Basic Principles in Behav Sci (20)
- PLP-4052: Assessment in Behaviour Sci (20)
- PLP-4053: Behaviour Change (20)
- PLP-4054: Adv Behaviour Change Proc (20)
- PLP-4055: Research Methods in Behaviour (20)
- PLP-4056: ABA Dissertation (60)
- PLP-4057: Apps of Behaviour Analysis (20)
- PLP-4058: Practicum (60)
- PLP-4061: Basic Princ in Behav Sci (DL) (20)
- PLP-4062: Assessment in Behaviour Scienc (20)
- PLP-4063: Behaviour Change (20)
- PPC-4013: Childhood and Youth (20)
- PPC-4014: Modern Families (20)
- PRP-4050: BehMeasur&MethodsInRes&Practic (60)
- XMC-4301: Addysgeg ac Arfer (20)
- XMC-4302: Arwain Newid Sefydliadol (20)
- XMC-4303: Arwain a Rheoli ADY (20)
- XMC-4304: Dosbarthiadau cynhwysol (20)
- XMC-4305: Archwilio Addysgeg? (20)
- XMC-4306: Ymarfer Lywio gan Dystiolaeth (20)
- XMC-4307: Tegwch ac Amrywiaeth (20)
- XMC-4308: Iechyd Emosiynol (20)
- XMC-4309: Cynllunio a Gwireddu Cwricwlwm (20)
- XMC-4310: Ymarfer Cydweithredol a Phroff (20)
- XMC-4311: ADY Rhagoriaeth mewn Ymarfer (20)
- XMC-4312: Sgiliau Ymchwil ac Ymholi Uwch (20)
- XMC-4313: Traethawd Hir (60)
- XMC-4314: Rheoli gweithwyr proffesiynol (20)
- XMC-4315: Arwain o Fewn ac Ar Draws Syst (20)
- XMC-4316: Arloesi ac Arweinyddiaeth Cwri (20)
- XMC-4317: Ymateb i Effeithiau Tlodi ac A (20)
- XME-4000: Modern Families (20)
- XME-4001: Research Methods in Education (30)
- XME-4005: Behaviour Management (30)
- XME-4006: Meeting ALN (30)
- XME-4011: Principles of Assessment (30)
- XME-4017: Teaching Dyslexic Learners (1) (30)
- XME-4042: Understanding Child & Youth (20)
- XME-4043: Counselling in Education (30)
- XME-4054: Teaching Dyslexic Learners (3) (30)
- XME-4082: Behav Man & Nurturing Schools (20)
- XME-4083: Educational Leadership (30)
- XME-4091: Assessment in Education (30)
- XME-4093: Curriculum Development (30)
- XME-4095: Placement: School Experience (20)
- XME-4100: Dissertation:Applied Res Study (60)
- XME-4102: Dissertation MA Child & Youth (60)
- XME-4103: Dissertation: Research Design (60)
- XME-4210: Dissertation S Applied (60)
- XME-4211: Research Methods Education S (30)
- XME-4221: Adult Learners Theory/Method S (30)
- XME-4280: Intercultural Education S (30)
- XME-4283: Educational Leadership S (30)
- XME-4295: Placement S (30)
- XME-4301: Pedagogy& Practice (20)
- XME-4302: Leading Organisational Change (20)
- XME-4303: Leadership&Amp; Mangmnt of ALN (20)
- XME-4304: Inclusive Classroom Practice (20)
- XME-4305: Exploring Pedagogies (20)
- XME-4306: Evidence-Informed Practice (20)
- XME-4307: Equity and Diversity (20)
- XME-4308: Emotional Health (20)
- XME-4309: Curric Design&Amp; Realisatio (20)
- XME-4310: Collaboratice&Amp; Prof Practi (20)
- XME-4311: ALN Excellence in Practice (20)
- XME-4312: Advance Research&Amp; Enquiry (20)
- XME-4314: Managing Education Profs (20)
- XME-4315: Leading in & across Ed Systems (20)
- XME-4316: Curriculum Leadership & Innov (20)
- XME-4317: Poverty and disadvantage in ed (20)
- XME-4400: Dissertation PT (60)
- XME-4401: Research Methods in Education (30)
- XME-4483: Educational Leadership (30)
- XME-4484: Educational Leadership and Man (20)
- XME-4485: Curriculum Develop: Music Ed (20)
- XME-4719: Assessment in Education (20)
- XPC-4212: PACh Uwchradd (30)
- XPC-4214: Astudiaethau Pwnc Addysg Uwchr (30)
- XPE-4212: PPC Secondary (30)
- XPE-4214: Subject Studies in Secondary E (30)
- XTC-4211: Ast Proff Addysgeg a Craidd (30)
- XTC-4213: Astudiaethau Pwnc Addysg Gynra (30)
- XTE-4211: Primary Prof, Ped and Core (30)
- XTE-4213: Primary Subject Studies (30)
- XTE-4311: Primary Prof, Ped and Core (AL (30)
- XTE-4313: Subject Studies (ALN) (30)
- XVE-4008: Teaching and Learning in HE (30)
- XVE-4009: Enhancing Acadmic Practice (30)