Fy ngwlad:

Gwnewch i’ch Adborth Fynd Ymhellach

Rydym eisiau i chi weithio gyda ni ym Mangor i sicrhau bod eich addysg cystal ag y gall hi fod. Dyna pam ein bod yn cydweithio’n agos ag Undeb y Myfyrwyr ac yn cynnal ystod o arolygon i roi’r cyfle i chi roi eich barn i ni. Mae llawer o ffyrdd i chi gyfrannu, o lenwi arolwg at fod yn ynrychiolydd Cwrs yn eich ysgol.

Isod gwelwch rai o’r arolygon y gallwch gymryd rhan ynddynt ar wahanol adegau yn ystod eich cwrs:

If you're a final year and an undergraduate student at the university and you haven't yet completed the analysis, here are five reasons to do so.

To the NSF is a national student survey that students complete across the UK in their final year, and it's your chance to share your views on your teaching, the academic support, and your course as a whole.

Your response really matters as the university analyses the results and the college level and the class level and the university as a whole, and this will help you to know what you're doing well and what you're not doing well to for longer shifts.

Action plans in place. So the NSS is run by an external organisation for the office for students and it's completely anonymous.

You can say exactly how you feel. Your feedback with our future students, as they can see what you thought about your course when applying to the university.

And upon completing the NSF, you can be within a chance of winning an Amazon voucher worth up to £100.

So how do I complete it? By clicking the link below.