Modiwl ENS-1000:
Year 1 Tutorials
Year 1 Tutorials 2024-25
School of Environmental & Natural Sciences
Module - Semester 1 & 2
10 credits
Module Organiser:
Koley Freeman
This module is designed to develop the range of skills required for all the undergraduate degrees offered within the School of Environmental and Natural Sciences and to encourage wider engagement with the specific discipline. The core module activities are directed reading and practice in oral and written presentations on current topics within your subject area. Regular tutorials will be held with your personal tutor. During these tutorials, your essay writing skills, oral presentation skills and information abstracting skills will be exercised while you consider ideas and developments in your chosen subject area. In addition to the tutorial group meetings there are also a series of compulsory academic research talks. These talks will help you get to know academic members of staff at the School and give you an insight into research carried out here.
Indicative course content: scientific essay writing; finding and evaluating sources; referencing scientific literature; information retrieval skills; understanding academic integrity; presentation skills; subject-specific current themes in research.
Assessment Strategy
Excellent: An excellent student will demonstrate a wider understanding of the implications of the question beyond the obvious, a good grasp of latest developments in the subject area (including its limitations) and a developed critical ability. Communication will be fluent and articulate, with an ability to engage the audience. References/sources will be highly appropriate, scientific, well evaluated and extensively researched. Able to abstract a scientific paper demonstrating a deep understanding of source material. Mark range: 70-100%
Very good: A good student will produce a well-structured cogent argument demonstrating good understanding of the information requested and knowledge of the subject matter. Communication will be coherent and matched to the intended audience. References/sources will be appropriate, scientific and evaluated well. Able to abstract a scientific paper demonstrating a good understanding of source material. Mark range: 60-69%
Good: A student acheiving C level grades will demonstrate reasonable understanding of the information requested and some knowledge of the subject matter though with some lapses in detail and accuracy of ideas. A reasonable attempt to communicate ideas will be made, with some evidence of consideration of the intended audience. References/sources will be appropriate though may be limited. Able to abstract a scientific paper demonstrating a reasonable understanding of source material. Mark range: 50-59%
Threshold: A threshold student will demonstrate a basic ability to answer questions with relevant information, with some organisation of thoughts and understanding of the subject matter. Communication may have some misunderstandings evident but will show basic understanding of the principles. References will be used but may be limited or may rely on less appropriate sources. Able to abstract a scientific paper demonstrating a basic understanding of source material. Mark range: 40-49%
Learning Outcomes
- Communicate scientific information and ideas in an effective and concise manner (both orally and in writing), using current, appropriately evaluated information from the scientific literature.
- Develop personal development skills relating to: working within a group, contributing to discussions, time management, prioritisation of work, organisation and managing deadlines.
- Summarise publications from the primary literature, verbally and in writing.
- Use library facilities to carry out literature research and demonstrate an ability to create correctly formatted scientific references
Assessment method
Assessment type
Scientific essay (with an abstract) on a current topic within subject area
Due date
Assessment method
Individual Presentation
Assessment type
5 minute oral presentation on a scientific paper using appropriate visual aids
Due date
Assessment method
Assessment type
Scientific essay (with an abstract) on a current topic within subject area
Due date
Assessment method
Assessment type
Bibliography demonstrating ability to appropriately format references
Due date
Assessment method
Individual Presentation
Assessment type
5 minute oral presentation on a scientific paper using appropriate visual aids
Due date