Modiwl NHS-4510:
Evidence For Practice
Evidence for Practice 2024-25
School Of Medical And Health Sciences
Module - Semester 1 & 2
60 credits
Module Organiser:
Lynne Williams
Content will include:
The scientific method an overview of quantitative and qualitative approaches.
Secondary data analysis techniques.
Systematic review techniques
Writing research proposals
Quantitative and qualitative research approaches and their methods.
Reflexivity and the role of the researcher in qualitative research
Sources of knowledge and the hierarchy of evidence
Art and science of nursing / Benner’s ways of knowing
Identifying research questions PICO/PEO/SPIDER
Literature data bases and systematic search strategies
Developing critical appraisal skills – using critical appraisal tools
Research vs. audit and service evaluation
Research process
Methodology design – epistemology, ontology and philosophical principles of quantitative and qualitative methodologies to gain new knowledge
Data collection methods for qualitative and quantitative research
Sample selection and participants
Rigour, validity and reliability
Data analysis for quantitative and qualitative methods,
Research ethics and governance
Implementation research
Barriers and enablers to implementing evidence based practice in the NHS
Decision making, accountability
Clinical judgements, intuition and technical rationality.
Learning Outcomes
- Critically appraise the hierarchy of knowledge used to support the art and science of nursing by being able to critically evaluate research methodologies, research methods and how these support developing new knowledge to support evidence based person-centred care in the student's field of practice.
- Critically evaluate the inter-personal, clinical reasoning and decision making skills necessary for implementing evidence-based, person-centred care within the multi-disciplinary team.
- Critique, synthesise and apply relevant research evidence to the implementation of patient care through a clearly defined research question.
- Critique, synthesise and apply relevant research evidence to the implementation of patient care through a clearly identified research question.
- Develop the critical thinking and practical skills to be able to conduct a systematic search of the literature and critically evaluate of evidence and its application to practice.
- Use scholarly enquiry and critical evaluation to plan, develop and conduct a robust research project that justifies the research methodology, design and techniques utilised.
Assessment type
Research dissertation project
Assessment type
Dissertation topic presentation