Modiwl QXP-2001:
C/Writing: Poetry & Short Fict
Poetry and Short Fiction: Image, Voice and Narrative 2024-25
School of Arts, Culture And Language
Module - Semester 2
20 credits
Module Organiser:
Zoe Skoulding
This module focuses on the specific literary qualities of the short story and the poem, and how to achieve them. It is designed to build expertise in writing with precision and originality in these forms. In addition to exploring the qualities of each form, the module will suggest ways of considering the interface between them, for example in the use of imagery or by comparing the prose poem with flash fiction. Models from short stories will demonstrate how fiction writers, through dialogue and realist notation, create scenes that define character and develop plot. Students will develop an understanding of how to use imagery, voice and structure effectively in their own stories, as well as how to use experimental techniques to challenge traditional expectations.
Assessment Strategy
Excellent: Typically, work graded A- to A** (or 70 to 100) will show many of the following qualities: • Excellent levels of originality, vision and depth; striking and thorough engagement with ideas. • Excellent understanding and control of form. • Impressive linguistic control and/or innovation. • Sophisticated understanding of the creative process and assured control of decisions made in writing. • Dynamic work approaching publishable standard.
Good: Typically, work graded B- to B+ (or 60 to 69) will show many of the following qualities: • Demonstration of a degree of vitality and originality. • Very good understanding of generic conventions; sound use of structures and forms. • Resourceful use of language. • Sound understanding of the creative process and thoughtful control of decisions made in writing. • Very good work, which at times comes close to publishable standard.
Satisfactory: Typically, work graded C- to C+ (or 50 to 59) will show many of the following qualities: • Some attempt at serious exploration of ideas. • Some link between themes and form. Good attempt to engage with form, but this may not be entirely sustained. • Use of language technically proficient, but not always focused. • Some awareness of the creative process and of decisions made in writing. • Good work, but its strengths need to be more fully sustained to reach publishable standard.
Threshold: Typically, work graded D- to D+ (or 40-49) will show many of the following qualities: • Limited engagement with ideas. • Link between themes and form not always clear. • Limited sense of formal conventions. Inconsistent with regard to linguistic technicalities. • Limited awareness of redrafting and editing process.
Learning Outcomes
- Critically discuss their own creative writing in relation to a culturally and historically broad range of writing styles, forms, and genres
- Develop new writing strategies as a result of critical self-reflection
- Produce writing that demonstrates command of the form, medium, and linguistic register in which the student is working.
- Reflect critically on creative processes and practices
Assessment method
Logbook Or Portfolio
Assessment type
Portfolio 1 A portfolio of six poems, prose poems or micro fictions (or a mixture of the three) with a 500-word commentary and a review of 400 words of a poetry collection by one of the visiting writers.
Due date
Assessment method
Logbook Or Portfolio
Assessment type
Portfolio 2 A portfolio of ten poems or 2000 words of short fiction, with a 500-word commentary and a comparative review of two of the visiting writers of 400 words of a poetry collection by one of the visiting writers.
Due date